In dealing with a narcissistic spouse, ex-spouse, mother, father, sibling, you are on a tightrope without a net. You feel the anxiety building inside of your nervous system each time you anticipate an interaction. You brace yourself for these events. Sometimes you are surprised that the narcissist has pulled in his/her horns and comes across as emotionally neutral or stable. (This post refers to male and female narcissists). At times you lower your guard only to find yourself in the middle of an explosive ugly scene. Once again, you are at fault; you made the huge mistake; you were stupid; you are insensitive and thick headed, etc. These abusive projections of narcissistic rage are endless. Each time you think that the narcissist has changed and will be different, even civil. These beliefs keep you tied to the narcissist, his or her source of supply that endangers you psychologically.
Children of narcissists grew up in these trauma producing families. Early on they were victims of narcissistic parental rage that never seemed to end. To this day you can hear the narcissistic mom or dad or both screaming through your head, hurling accusations, epithets, insults and humiliations. I hear from many of them and it is surprising how empathic these adult children are. They have survived this cauldron of pain and terror at great cost. Yet, they are remarkable human beings.
Narcissistic personality is fixed. It does not change. Along with it comes narcissistic rage. There is no way around this. Often narcissistic rage deepens with age and becomes more volcanic since the narcissist is living in psychological delusion and incapable of personal insight.
Separating out and individuating from the narcissist is essential to your personal, creative and spiritual growth. Appreciate who you are, act on your intuition and the knowledge that you have obtained about the true nature of the narcissist.
Free yourself, heal and recover. You deserve to be at peace, to have relationships of trust and deep caring and the full use of your many creative gifts.