High Level Narcissists Spew Their Vile Shadows on to Their Spouses and Children

High Level Narcissists Spew Their Vile Shadows on Their Spouses and Children

Quoting from my book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist:

”Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung introduced the archetype of the Shadow, that part of the psyche that…t is largely unconscious and dispossessed…Those who have no conscious acquaintance with their shadow, project forgotten, forbidden and disowned parts of themselves on to others in destructive ways.”

“Those who have no conscious acquaintance with their shadow, project psychologically disowned pars of themselves on to others. When kept out of conscious awareness, the shadow overruns the personality. Like the shadow of the moon in mid-day eclipses the sun, everything becomes dark. The disowned shadow takes retribution against the closed personality, revealing itself in highly destructive ways. The shadow elements that control an individual’s personality are a lethal poison that re projected on to those closest to him—spouses, children and other family members.”

“One way or another, the shadow seeps out, rushes from its hiding place and floods the personality.”

The high level narcissist, though charming, accomplished and charismatic, is psychologically shallow. For most it is the achievement of the perfect image and persona that supersedes the personality.

The high level uses a series of powerful defense mechanisms that keep him/her from searching for self-truth and insight. This is not their focus.  They are driven to succeed in the world, they compete and win against others who would dare to compete with them. Their values are materialistic, have a surface veneer that shines brightly on the outside and hides the shallow empty horrors deep in their disturbed psyches.

Throughout their days, the high level uses the powerful defense of denial which allow him to create his own sense of reality.  The high level is gifted at putting together a flawless package of privilege, luxury, surface beauty, indulgences beyond the imagination. A voluptuary to the core, the high level seeks unending multiple pleasures.

Deep inside the high level has concealed the dark, vile, aggressive parts of himself/herself that seethe with frustration, self-loathing, bottomless emptiness.

Spouses and children of the high level narcissist become recipients of the vomiting of this horrid, ugly brew.

These events become frequent upon the part of the high level narcissist who is blaise about his primitive multiple transgressions against those closest to him. At times he blames the victim for his horrific behavior.  High levels don’t apologize for their outrageous behaviors

It is automatic for the high level for taking no blame since these individuals don’t develop a conscience.  Of course they draw the line on deeds that will get them into trouble.

With research and intuitive wisdom you recognize that you can no longer share yourself with a loathsome being who is transforming himself often into a permanent terrifying vile version of Mister Hyde.

You are fully awake and aware. Now is your time for separating yourself away from this daily nightmare.  You deserve to continue your process of evolutions as an individual who experiences solitude, inner peace, the gifts of your creativity, the company of those whom you can trust and who support and encourage your continued development as a person of insight, integrity and seeker of the truth.  You are on your way.  Give yourself special attribution for the journey you are taking on the pathway of the original self.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

The Unwelcome Daughter of A Narcissistic Mother

High Level Narcissists Plot Their Way to the Top

High level narcissists are obsessively driven to reach the top of their mountains of ambition and publicly praised achievement, whether the goal is tremendous wealth, power, prestige, veneration.

For the high level this is a much easier goal since these individuals are very light in the conscience department. The narcissistic personality does not form a highly development conscience during his/her formative years. On the outside this person can appear to have a sense of decorum and obedience to the rules but when you look beneath the surface of the perfect façade you find an absence of adhering to what is right or wrong particularly in their dealings with individuals close to them: spouses, partners, ex-spouses, children, business associates.

It takes discernment and empathy to function with a highly developed conscience. The person of good character naturally thinks about how his behaviors thoughts and actions affect others and their well being.

The high level narcissist doesn’t give these considerations a thought.  Of course the high level cleverly goes through the motions and pretenses of having integrity but this is the thinnest of characterlogical veneers. In some quarters in their “religious lives the high level is able to fool members of his spiritual community into thinking that he/she is a fine person of integrity and morality.

I have observed that high levels obtain huge ego supplies by planning their route to the upper reaches of success.  They have a detailed agenda clearly in mind like a master blueprint that they will follow precisely.

Ultimately the high level narcissist is a predatory exploiter. With their charm and cunning they magnetize individuals to them who will take their irresistible bait – promises of love, a phenomenal lifestyle, social status, the capacity to have exotic experiences, invitations to the most exclusive golden circles.

High level narcissists have no difficulty at all abandoning their spouses, children, friends when according to their plan of success they must shift, in some instances leave their spouses and children to make their next ascendant move.

For the high level, this is an Everest move, a thrilling process that reinforces their sense of limitless power and perfection.  The high level is never bothered by those whom he abandons, even his own children. In some instances they buy off some of the kids whom they think are “promising” to make themselves look real good as a fake parent.

For the high level people are interchangeable and therefore, expendable. They do not understand or care in the least about the precious reality of the individual.

When he shifts to the next level this narcissist knows that he will easily find other partners who will satisfy his needs and wishes. These masters of deceit are thrilled with their progressions upward into the clouds that form the crown at the summit.

Along the way they have psychologically and emotionally harmed scores of individuals, abandoned and upended too many lives, including their children.  We don’t get a “do over” with kids—but with the high level this doesn’t matter.

With all of their feckless and dirty deeds high level narcissists sleep soundly at night while their victims stare at the ceiling, in the throes of another insomniac night, weep listlessly in the dark, or even blame themselves for all of the incalculable harm the high level has wrought. Those who ardently pray for an old testament god to reign down on these culprits hear silence.

You are the one who has borne and survived the cunning plots and plans of the high level narcissists

Now you know this person in full.  Understand that you are and never were to blame for his/her deceits, abandonments, vile projections, insidious acting out behaviors.

Give yourself tremendous credit for your psychological stamina, clear discernment, personal integrity, your unique creative gifts, compassion and empathy.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.


Children of Narcissistic Mothers – Re-Traumatized by High Level Narcissists

Children of Narcissistic Mothers – Re-Traumatized by High Level Narcissists

You grew up as a child of maternal deprivation.  Your mother’s presence was neither loving nor protective. Early on you knew that Narcissistic Mama (or Mothering Figure) couldn’t stand your presence, even as a little child.

Psychiatrist and researcher Dr. John Bowlby created the term Maternal Deprivation to describe a mother’s lack of attachment and warmth toward her child communicated as cold dismissiveness and lack of empathy.

These children even when their physical and environmental needs are met, experience an existential sense that there is something fundamentally wrong with them—mother doesn’t love them and therefore they are horribly defective.

As adults some of these children feel guilt and shame, a deep sense of unease for being imperfect and letting mother down.  They feel that they can never measure up no matter what they achieve professionally or personally.

As babies they looked into their mother’s eyes and discovered a void—a cold uncaring, dismissive “don’t come near me” revulsion.

Enter the high level narcissist, infused with magnetic charm, command of self, energetic, self-confident, charismatic.  Children of narcissistic mothers become entranced with the high level narcissist.  Their high energy, expanded egos, towering ambitions are compelling to the child of narcissistic maternal deprivation.  They are spell bound, caught up in the romantic magic of the high level.  They feel energized, hopeful about this new gambit.

Marriage and partnership with the high level narcissist is exciting in the beginning. The narcissist is on his or her very best behavior, winning the heart and mind of the partner.

After a short period of time, the narcissistic partner reveals their cruel, demanding, manipulative side.  You experience the extreme controlling qualities of the narcissistic partner. Everything you do or say or even think is monitored and judged.  You are the object of cruel, obnoxious projections frequently, of course, in private behind closed doors. You dare criticized, castigated for the smallest oversight or mistake.  You are name called, unjustly accused and criticized.

You often now feel anxious, jumpy just waiting for the next volley of insults and recriminations.  You develop chronic insomnia and digestive disorders.  Why do you tolerate this horrendous treatment.  In the back of your mind in the unconscious there is a part of you that still feels empty and unworthy and essential wrong and not enough.

You were traumatized as a small child and now you are being re-traumatized by your narcissistic spouse.

This is your time and opportunity for awakening to the true nature of the high level narcissist.

With deep insights and intuition and your research you become clear that you will move forward along your own pathway of recovery, transformation and the continued evolution of your true self.

Along the way you learn to be self entitled, deserving of inner peace, worthy of trust and warmth, the full use of your many creative gifts.

Practice self care: rest, sleep, movement/exercise, food, hydration, Nature.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Prevailing Over Malevolent High Level Narcissists

Prevailing Over the Malevolent High Level Narcissist

In a roiling sea  of high level narcissists you are often in a state of anxiety, worry, self-doubt, uncertainty, confusion. This is not surprising since the high level narcissist is a very tricky, shape-shifting individual.

Infused with mesmerizing charm, gifts of seduction and persuasion it is very difficult not to become entranced with the high level. They possess a kind of magic presence that is drawn from one of their enchanting personas. Their eye contact is riveting, almost hypnotic. We feel their appraisal and moves toward us. They are stepping up their game. They make plans to catch us in their psychological butterfly nets.

The high level narcissist searches out those whom he wants to become part of his coterie, his golden circle, that place of honor that the high level bestows on special people in his intimate enclave. Of course the high level is loyal to no one but himself. After years of blind devotion and arduous work the narcissist will discard you without explanation or ceremony if he has found someone better to serve his outrageous demands and impossible standards. The narcissist is immune to the suffering that he causes others. even his spouses and children. His search for self- aggrandizement has no bounds. Above it all, the high level narcissist is ultimately an exploiter, usurping the talents, creative energies and sometimes the morality and decency of others. He is feverish miner of the human gold of his victims. His see and destroy missions are without conscience or boundaries.

Always exploitive and controlling, the high level narcissist plots and plans his moves toward you. Being selected by a narcissist to play a role in his/her life drama is considered a great compliments and achievement.

As you move through your awakening to the true nature of the high level narcissist, remember who you are–the exact opposite of these individuals.

You can and will prevail and recover and restore your true original self.

Be reminded of the gifts which are unique to you. You are strong, sensitive, kind, intelligent, empathic, resolute, of fine character, creative and holy within.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

High Level Narcissist – Notorious Exploiter

High Level Narcissist – Notorious Exploiter


Quoting from my book: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life:

“A  …high level…narcissist doesn’t waste time on those who cannot perform for him/her. By seduction or guile he draws to himself those who will feed his constant need for power and admiration. Narcissists use personal relationships as stepping-stones and way stations to success. They perpetually scan their environments. Assessing their power positions, ever vigilant for those who will lead them to their next goal. The narcissistic personality values himself alone. Others are simply objects and vehicles who will satisfy his perpetual need for power and recognition. Throughout his personal and professional life, he manipulate everyone who crosses his path—spouses, lovers, children, business associates, friends…

The …high level…narcissist surrounds himself with individuals who act as extensions of himself. He fuses with those who will protect and expand his grandiose sense of self…..Those who work for or live with a narcissistic personality know that survival with him/her is always precarious. If luck holds and fate is kind, some chosen followers weather the unrelenting rages and demands that spill out of the narcissistic psyche…There is always a time certain when a relationship with a narcissist will end. Followers are discharge when their gilt has faded. They have become sexually and physically less attractive, their competitive edge is blunted, they have lost their slice of worldly power…”

The high level is finished with you and dispatches you to the hinterlands of obscurity and anonymnify. You are faded, worn and exhausted and as a result the high level narcissist has neither time nor money nor attention for you.  The high level doesn’t run with those who are truly humble, good, true, fair or pure of heart.

You are the opposite of the hypocritical high level narcissist who preys on the goodness of others.

Fine character is scarce these days – It seems like almost everyone has a price  – meaning they can be bought and sold for the coin of the realm, feeding frenzies of extravagance, psychological and emotional dominance of others..

But you are different: True to your unique individuality, ever-present–You show up always as yourself. Be lifted by your beautiful, vital character, conscience, empathy, kindness, psychological and spiritual stamina.

You can’t imagine being any other way.  Thank God!

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Leaving the High Level Narcissist’s Golden Circle

Setting the stage for the true nature of the high level narcissist, quote from my book: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life: “Like water cascading down a falls, compliments and tributes must flow to the narcissist at all times. ..The narcissist recounts endless stories of his triumphs and expects others to tell him “how wonderful he is.”

“Followers of the narcissist, especially those closest to him/her—spouses, mistresses, children, partners—squander their potential.” They have turned themselves over to a callous exploitative parental figure who makes all the decisions.

Members of this golden circle become exhausted by the outrageous demands of the high level narcissist’s constant rages and demeaning  humiliations. Living only to please and appease an imperious narcissist, combined with mounting erosions of their personal and professional opportunities wear very thin.

If you have been a member of the high level narcissist’s golden circle you remember the dreadful experience of what happened behind closed doors with one of these highly demanding, controlling and cruel individuals.

There comes a time when you recognize that you must choose  to separate and leave the tarnished golden circle of the high level narcissist and become free to be your true self, to rediscover your unique creative gifts, and develop healthy psychological and daily practices of  deep inner peace.

Give yourself tremendous credit for putting yourself first and choosing your unique invaluable individuality and creative gifts and healing, restoration and evolution.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.


Elite High Level Narcissists Do Not Awaken from Their Delusions of Grandeur and Omnipotence

We have an immense population of high level narcissists.  Our narcissistic society gives them huge passes especially if they hold wide and deep swaths of influence and power

Don’t try to wake up a high level narcissist from their slumber of intractable delusion and extreme self-entitlement.  They will scream in your face, shame you, mercilessly punish you with endless vile projections.

The high level narcissist has been lost in the desert of non reality throughout all of his years. This is particularly the case if he or she is the golden child. From the beginning this kid was selected as the special chosen one who symbolized the perfection, brilliance and promise of his parent(s).  He is a miraculous child, a demi deity, who,  from the beginning was venerated like a prince, princess, queen or king.

As a very young child this individual was not required to think of the welfare of others, how his or her presence was having a positive or negative effect upon others. The budding narcissist was given the run of the family, allowed, even encouraged to act out in the most outrageous ways. Cruel and mean, this little narcissist didn’t develop a working conscience or genuine empathy.

Rather the narcissist was encouraged to fulfill his wishes and desires without limit.

The elite from the beginning does not develop a sense of shame over committing a cruel act on another.

The golden boy or girl elite high level narcissist is so over entitled that their sense of self becomes pathologically inflated and highly delusional.

The mother and/or father of the narcissist continues to defend this individual regardless of his ugly cruel behaviors, betrayals, empty promises, habitual lies, double dealing.

In this zeitgeist of toxic pathological narcissism the elite golden boy or girl fits smoothly in the environments of extreme self-indulgence, an obsession with the perfection of one’s external environment and person, the frenetic search for “the best” whether this is in the form of exotic escapes, opulent lifestyles among the crème d’ le crème of society.  Elite high level narcissistic must have more’s wander the earth in a never ending fever of hunger and satiation.

There is the preciousness of your warm human heart that lifts you from the pain and dreariness of childhood wounds. This is the direction you are taking: authenticity, imagination, your creativity, the exquisite beauties of nature and art, the gift of inner peace, the quieting of the winds that reveal your essence, your sacred individuality.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Despicable Greed of High Level Narcissists

Today we are surrounded by countless greedy narcissists in a society that has become exceedingly materialistic, coarse, Darwinian, soulless.

There are outstanding exceptions in high consciousness individuals who are psychologically and emotionally evolved, with fine characters.  These are transparent, without act or artiface – No false selves. It is so comforting to know these people of the truth who are wise, transparent, kind with conscience. They can neither be bought nor compromised.

The high level narcissist is all act: false, cunning, acquisitive and very greedy.

Psychologically empty inside, he is always searching for more while he treats others without mercy or respect.

The greediest are the haves, the have mores and the have mosts always in an acquisitive state that feeds their hungry egos. They go after what you have – investments, properties, residences, businesses, valuable possessions, trusts, works of art.

They feed off of your creativity and steal your projects. – all the while leading you to believe that they are collaborating and contributing to your success.

Narcissists are never team players. This is a pretense, a strategy a ruse, a well honed act to gain your trust and ultimately to control you and the products of your unique creativity.

No matter how much they have for the high level narcissist it is never enough. The fever of acquisitiveness rises with every acquisition. You cannot win with these individuals if you stay partnered with them unless you are willing to become their psychological prisoners and forfeit your individuality, your unique gifts and your inner peace. Some of those who remain aligned with the high level narcissist are in a state of permanent delusion.  They have fused with the narcissist and unable to extricate themselves from this psychopathological state.

The high level narcissist doesn’t care if you are left with nothing. They get what they want, discard you and move on to the next shining prize.

High level narcissists get away with their dirty despicable greed.  Many in today’s society applaud them or turn a blind eye to their multiple cruelties.

There is hope and redemption with those who remain steady in their grounded fine characters, steady and rising in their creative gifts. We find them along the road less traveled, the pathway of the authentic self that speaks to you each day. Listen to the voice of your intuition.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.


Children of Narcissistic Parents – Living in the House of Desolation

The child of the narcissistic parent has been psychologically abandoned.  He/she lives not in a home but a “house of desolation.” This word originates from the twelfth century and essentially means devastation and hopelessness.

The baby and small child needs a deep meaningful and warm connection to the parenting figure to thrive psychologically.

Children of narcissistic parents may have their physical needs met but are starving for warmth, attention, kindness, understanding, positive attachment. Some children suffer from both physical, mental, emotional and financial deprivation.  Many were never wanted. Others were created to enhance the narcissist’s false self image and ego supplies for the narcissistic parent.

I hear from children of narcissistic parents. They have been through painful and complex ordeals. They speak of the cold cruelties of the narcissistic mother and/or father. They were exploited and abused, treated like objects, servants to their maternal and fraternal masters.

The house of desolation is not a home. It may have all of the accoutrements: the space, pleasant surroundings, comfortable ambience but beneath the material objects there is no vital core of human warmth or meaning here.  Some children are born into impoverished circumstances with narcissistic parents and suffer from many levels of narcissistic abuse and privation.

It is remarkable how these children who grew up in the houses of desolation coped and dealt with the cruel and ugly psychopathology of the narcissistic parent. Many learned how to hide in plain sight, went to Nature as an escape to Beauty, traveled to storied magical places with their imaginations, taught themselves how to paint and draw to create new visions of reality, sought spiritual avenues of meaning and solace, learned that movement and exercise through sports and dance built their stamina and deep inner strength.

Prominent British writer Rudyard Kipling was abandoned at the age of six along with his three year old sister Trix by his parents. Mother and father without the slightest announcement after leaving India on a trip to London left their young children with strangers whom  they contacted through a newspaper article. The caretaker was a cruel, cold abusive woman and her disturbed son. For six long years they were left at the mercy of these pathological individuals.  The parents returned unexpectedly and gave no explanation for their abandonment, absence or return.  Kipling’s mother had relatives in London but chose to put her children in psychological distress with unvetted disturbed strangers. Kipling suffered deeply from this abandonment and betrayal. He used his incredible creativity through writing to survive this horrendous extended traumatic experience of parental abandonment, particularly by his mother.

Are you the child of a narcissistic parent who grew up in A House of Desolation. I give you tremendous credit for your authenticity, integrity, stamina, grit and creativity.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.




Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers – Seven Restorative Healing Practices

Daughters of narcissistic mothers are a unique courageous group of individuals. It is remarkable to me that they have survived the abuses and deprivations growing up as the daughter of a narcissistic non-mother. They have experienced psychological and emotional pain on the severest levels. These daughters speak of their mother despising them from the beginning. With her gazes, gestures and words it is clear that they were not truly loved.

Narcissistic pseudo mothers have hearts of stone. They are emotionally unreachable, inert, hollow,empty.

Daughters have no way of forming a genuine psychological attachment to the narcissistic mother. She is unavailable to them. There is no warmth, no refuge, no comfort or safety.  There are no hugs and embraces for this little daughter. She tries innumerable times to get mom to give her even the slightest sign that there is a connection between the two of them.

Rather, narcissistic mother has a built in enmity for her daughter. She is jealous of her, competitive even with the small child. She finds her daughter to be unacceptable even alien to her.

Contrary to this style is the narcissistic mother who creates a living ego supply out of her daughter, a Mini Me reflection of mother’s perfection, like the goose who laid the golden egg.

Mother psychologically fuses with golden daughter, coaching her to become her flawless replica.

The narcissistic mother adores her creation but is incapable of loving her daughter as a separate individual. The daughter exists to enhance mother’s image and to keep her ego fully inflated.

I find that these daughters are of fine character: clear thinking, responsible, compassionate, empathic, with a well-developed conscience.

You deserve to recover and heal completely from the narcissistic mother abuse.

Here are Seven Practices that will help you to recover and thrive as you move forward along your unique pathway of the authentic self:

  1. Sleep/Rest: As the daughter of a narcissistic mother you couldn’t rest or sleep well. Maybe you felt you didn’t deserve to feel at ease and quiet inside, to trust that you could let down and be safe and comfortable. Give yourself permission to have this essential downtime. Sleep and rest are essential to your physical and psychological health. We were meant to sleep and rest well. Embrace these essential activities.  When we sleep a natural restorative healing process takes place inside of the body/mind. You are naturally transported to the parasympathetic nervous system, a quieting, calming state of essential healing.
  2. .Movement/Exercise/Nutrition: We were designed to move, to exercise and to eat well. This is different for each person. Do the movements and exercise that are natural to you. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Respect your limitations and make no judgments. Learn about eating nutritious food. This is your essential body/mind fuel that provides you with energy, strength and stamina. Do your own research and discover how you can maintain wellness through these activities.
  3. Appreciating Your Solitude: Growing up the daughter of a narcissistic mother you felt like you were being watched and judged. You could not let down and simply be yourself. Even when you went off alone, thoughts about how your mother was reacting to you were on your mind. Now that you are free of this non-relationship you can openly explore your relationship with yourself, being in your own presence, in solitude. It is in solitude that we get to know ourselves: our feelings, thoughts, the seeds and flowering of creativity. There develops a self acceptance as you practice solitude. Creativity occurs in solitude as we commune with ourselves. The imagination soars and we are lifted beyond our personal histories. We leave them behind in solitude and create new meanings that align with the authentic self.
  4. Connection with Nature: Nature is a source of beauty, awe, inspiration, restoration. Nature renews our sense of being present and our appreciation of its majesty and mystery. The beauty of Nature calms the body/mind and brings forth metaphors and visions that awakens your creativity.
  5. Develop Your Intuitive Gifts: Intuition is a gift of insight and wisdom that speaks the truth. We are born with the capacity for intuition. Learn to nurture the powers of this kind of knowing. When you ego is dropped and you are receptive, intuitive messages will come through to you. Stay attuned to your intuition. It is a gift of knowing that is always with you.
  6. Creating a Circle of Trust – There are a few people whom we can trust. They are hard to find but continue your search. It is well worth it.
  7. Unleashing your creativity: You have waited so many years to feel the full force of your creativity. Choose a medium of creative expression that you have used in the past or that interests you: drawing, painting, collage, unedited writing, fiction and nonfiction writing, photography.

You have the reins in your capable hands.  Make the decisions that speak to your heart, soul and mind. Give yourself great credit for what you have accomplished, the greatest boon of all: the fulfillment of your authentic self, a person of deep integrity.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.