Prevailing Over Malevolent High Level Narcissists

Prevailing Over the Malevolent High Level Narcissist

In a roiling sea  of high level narcissists you are often in a state of anxiety, worry, self-doubt, uncertainty, confusion. This is not surprising since the high level narcissist is a very tricky, shape-shifting individual.

Infused with mesmerizing charm, gifts of seduction and persuasion it is very difficult not to become entranced with the high level. They possess a kind of magic presence that is drawn from one of their enchanting personas. Their eye contact is riveting, almost hypnotic. We feel their appraisal and moves toward us. They are stepping up their game. They make plans to catch us in their psychological butterfly nets.

The high level narcissist searches out those whom he wants to become part of his coterie, his golden circle, that place of honor that the high level bestows on special people in his intimate enclave. Of course the high level is loyal to no one but himself. After years of blind devotion and arduous work the narcissist will discard you without explanation or ceremony if he has found someone better to serve his outrageous demands and impossible standards. The narcissist is immune to the suffering that he causes others. even his spouses and children. His search for self- aggrandizement has no bounds. Above it all, the high level narcissist is ultimately an exploiter, usurping the talents, creative energies and sometimes the morality and decency of others. He is feverish miner of the human gold of his victims. His see and destroy missions are without conscience or boundaries.

Always exploitive and controlling, the high level narcissist plots and plans his moves toward you. Being selected by a narcissist to play a role in his/her life drama is considered a great compliments and achievement.

As you move through your awakening to the true nature of the high level narcissist, remember who you are–the exact opposite of these individuals.

You can and will prevail and recover and restore your true original self.

Be reminded of the gifts which are unique to you. You are strong, sensitive, kind, intelligent, empathic, resolute, of fine character, creative and holy within.

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.