High Level Narcissist – Notorious Exploiter

High Level Narcissist – Notorious Exploiter


Quoting from my book: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life:

“A  …high level…narcissist doesn’t waste time on those who cannot perform for him/her. By seduction or guile he draws to himself those who will feed his constant need for power and admiration. Narcissists use personal relationships as stepping-stones and way stations to success. They perpetually scan their environments. Assessing their power positions, ever vigilant for those who will lead them to their next goal. The narcissistic personality values himself alone. Others are simply objects and vehicles who will satisfy his perpetual need for power and recognition. Throughout his personal and professional life, he manipulate everyone who crosses his path—spouses, lovers, children, business associates, friends…

The …high level…narcissist surrounds himself with individuals who act as extensions of himself. He fuses with those who will protect and expand his grandiose sense of self…..Those who work for or live with a narcissistic personality know that survival with him/her is always precarious. If luck holds and fate is kind, some chosen followers weather the unrelenting rages and demands that spill out of the narcissistic psyche…There is always a time certain when a relationship with a narcissist will end. Followers are discharge when their gilt has faded. They have become sexually and physically less attractive, their competitive edge is blunted, they have lost their slice of worldly power…”

The high level is finished with you and dispatches you to the hinterlands of obscurity and anonymnify. You are faded, worn and exhausted and as a result the high level narcissist has neither time nor money nor attention for you.  The high level doesn’t run with those who are truly humble, good, true, fair or pure of heart.

You are the opposite of the hypocritical high level narcissist who preys on the goodness of others.

Fine character is scarce these days – It seems like almost everyone has a price  – meaning they can be bought and sold for the coin of the realm, feeding frenzies of extravagance, psychological and emotional dominance of others..

But you are different: True to your unique individuality, ever-present–You show up always as yourself. Be lifted by your beautiful, vital character, conscience, empathy, kindness, psychological and spiritual stamina.

You can’t imagine being any other way.  Thank God!

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.