Empaths: Celebrate Your Unique Gifts

Empaths are unique individuals, experiencing their world in the most personal, tuned in way. Empaths are born with gifts of profound perception. They are highly attuned to their inner world and that of others. They perceive the depths of other human beings and know what they are feeling and thinking.

Empaths are often misunderstood. These children have a tough time in their families. Family members including their parents often view them as over-dramatic, too sensitive and emotionally frail, incapable of going with the knocks of life.

Empaths are not believed especially in today’s society where over-extended egos and loud aggressive voices win the power, the wealth and the day. We live in a crude, rough culture of sharp, jagged edges.

There was a time not so long ago when people actually paused to watch the clouds roll by, to listen to voices of the wind, to tell tales by camp fire, to climb trees to capture the view.

These days, few people listen. Most are impatient, even rude. If your voice is reticent, there is a built in impatience with your message. You are dismissed and trivialized.

Social immediacy and a quick dramatic image has taken up all attention. The shiny objects that dance before us are indicative of a perverse shallowness of thought and a thorough lack of feeling.

As a child you were subject to the house familial rules and psychological delusions. Your parents lived in a bubble that they created and maintained with great care. You kept trying to be understood. You used every method of persuasion but to no avail. Your siblings and mother and father had louder more compelling voices.

Often you were left alone to sort everything out for yourself. And this is exactly what you did. There was some doubt about your worthwhileness but left to your deep imagination and a developed capacity for solitude, you created and shaped your own worlds, special time warps you could inhabit. What a relief you found in these special places you created inside of your mind and imagination.

You still wanted to belong and tried intermittently to fit in. But you didn’t because you are a unique individual.

Many child empaths learn that reading is the ticket to their freedom. Writing as well is a fine ship that takes us to many lands and seas. It is fair passage to the contents of your imagination.

Put yourself first by acknowledging your legitimacy and your value. Pay close attention to your psychological, physical, creative and emotional needs.

Choose individuals with whom you spend you time wisely. You only need a few of high consciousness and self awareness and compassion.

Spend as much time as possible in the parasympathetic, the calming, healing, restorative, creative part of your systems. Rest, sleep, sing, move, stretch, smile, laugh, create.

Here you find grace, respite and peace. This is your psychological and spiritual home – where you were meant to be.