In many regions of this country all that matters is how you look: your beauty, handsomeness, youthfulness, sexiness, slimness,affluence. I have watched many scenes and overheard numerous conversations in which inappropriate questions are asked. Some of my favorites are: “Are you retired?” (This means you look old and have money) “How old are you?” This question is just plain rude and doesn’t require an explanation. “Do you want the senior discount?” (Again, you look pretty old. We don’t like old people but we have to put up with them.) “Are you a grandmother?” (You’re getting on in years. Are you being productive with your life by having your children propagate?) That’s a hell of a question. How does the questioner know that you are married, unmarried, single, widowed, how old you are and any number of personal facts about your life. Many of these cruel rude inquiries, especially directed at women who are over forty are an integral part of our narcissistic culture.
Today women are heralded for their tightly pulled or recently refreshed faces as a result of the artistry of a plastic surgeon. Very few people want to know what is on your mind and in your heart these days. All the gold’s in the flawless external image. Neither women nor anyone else should face these cruelties lying down or feel unworthy or ugly or aged because they are being verbally and visually bombarded by a vacuous, mindless society that is largely empty inside.
There are incredible human exceptions—people who are so genuine and involved with the inner self, expanding the reaches of awareness,compassion and mercy and disinterested in the outer packaging of another human being. Empty narcissistic image boosting has run its tawdry cycle. The time of authenticity is rising. Visit my
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.
Telephone Consultation