High level narcissists are so taken with themselves, believing they are superior human beings. This is often based on their accumulation of wealth, possessions, circles of influence.
They are unable and unwilling to acknowledge that someone who is not in their social class has intrinsic value as an individual.
High level narcissist, lost in permanent delusion, a lotus eater, a consummate pleasure seeker. Rather than deal with difficult issues or the consequences of his cruel deeds the high level narcissist adopts a pattern of escaping, buying, brokering, deal making, a lifestyle of bold acquisition.
The high level narcissist does not go deeply inside himself to seek a higher consciousness or offer comfort, solace or kindness to others. The high level is greedy, always wanting something for himself, even if it belong to someone else.
High level narcissists can be extremely cruel and demeaning to those who are not in their social class, their golden circle. They truly believe that they have “made it” and are superior to you because they have a level of wealth and social power that you do not possess.
The high level looks you over and finds you wanting, especially if you are lower class. You clothing looks cheap – Maybe you only have one change of clothes. Your shoes are inexpensive, even second hand,, Your hair is clean but not cut expertly or shining with highlights and shimmering curlicues.
You are intelligent, well spoken, a voracious reader, deep thinker and thoughtful. None of this matters to the hl since you don’t make the grade in your physical appearance, nor did you attend the right prestigious schools, or grow up in high society neighborhoods.
It is outrageous to think that an individual like this gets away with being so deluded and horribly cruel and incredibly ignorant.
The dismissive cold look directed at you by one of these despicable people is meant to cause you deep shame.
Will you don’t respond to these regressed, inappropriate, cruel behaviors.
You have a very clear sense of who you are, an authentic person of value, integrity, creative gifts who is evolving psychologically, creatively and spiritually.
Be proud of yourself for your tremendous qualities of discernment, a deep knowing about what is truly real and valuable.
You find those who, like you are on the road less traveled, a fine pathway that leads to your transformation and evolution as an individual.
Great work!
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.