Leaving Narcissistic Family–Leading Your Life

Some individuals are surrounded by narcissists from
birth–Imagine—narcissistic mother, narcissistic father, and
narcissistic siblings sprinkled throughout the family pool. What a life
challenge!  I have known of a number of adult children in narcissistic
families who have survived and are now leading their lives in freedom. A
narcissistic mother alone can be psychologically lethal. Those cold,
dismissive women of deprivation who secretly (or not so secretly)
despise their children are quite common. Little children in these
circumstances usually don’t know that they are being raised by highly
deluded people. They are treated with various forms of cruelty. Some
children are completely ignored. They have to even seek their own food
wherever they can. Mother can’t be bothered to provide regular meals for
them. She is too busy obsessing with her image. The only time they
receive any attention is when it is “showtime”. This occurs when
narcissistic mom is presenting herself as “super mom.” There are
the impeccable photographs of the perfect family. The children stand
their with glued on smiles and empty frozen eyes. They are wearing their
best clothing and mother has made sure that everyone she knows will
have this picture of her family. She is the mother sublime, the selfless
one who will do anything for her children. The opposite is true but no
one knows because this is the secret kept within the walls of the house.
Then there are narcissistic brothers and sisters that must be survived.
That is another nightmare. They are forever bullying the scapegoated
child and getting away with it. Often the father is very weak, like
another child whom the narcissistic mother controls and possesses.


comes a time of reckoning when children surrounded by narcissistic
family members decide that they can no longer be part of this deluded,
cold, cruel group of people to survive. Many of these children leave
home early, find supportive friends, or simply strike out on their own.
This is quite remarkable and these individuals deserve our deep respect.
These are the courageous ones. We are inspired by these extraordinary


If you know that you are trapped in a
narcissistic family and understand this psychopathology, you understand
that these people are never going to change. You are different even
though you share the same DNA. I have heard from many who have left
their narcissistic families behind and are now leading their lives in
psychological, mental and emotional freedom. They are using their
creative gifts, discovering true friendships and re-starting their
lives. Take heart—You can do this. Visit my website:thenarcissistinyourlife.com

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Telephone Consultation: United States and International

Book: Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life

Email: [email protected]