Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers–You are Not Alone

When you are the daughter of a narcissistic mother you feel like you are screaming underwater and drowning at the same time. Many daughters don’t realize for years the truth about this woman who projects hatred on to you daily. If you are scapegoated among the siblings, your childhood is exceedingly harsh. You are at … Continue reading “Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers–You are Not Alone”

Sadistic Narcissistic Mothers Aim Knives at Your Heart

Some narcissistic mothers hated you before you were born. They didn’t want children. They were obsessed with their careers and climbing to the very top. (Every woman who climbs to the top in her career is not a narcissist.) This often includes finding a man that will be a reflection of their perfection. Narcissistic women … Continue reading “Sadistic Narcissistic Mothers Aim Knives at Your Heart”

Narcissists Cause Siblings Psychological Pain

Narcissists are masterful actors. If they are high level and are particularly gifted at playing the part of a decent if not superior human being, they fool the best of us, even psychotherapists. Often they flatter mental health professionals in the most clever ways and sway their judgment. That’s how clever they can be. This … Continue reading “Narcissists Cause Siblings Psychological Pain”

Children of Narcissistic Parents-Moving Beyond Your Personal History

I receive some of the most painful and touching communications from children of a narcissistic mother or father. In some cases, these individuals were surrounded by narcissistic family members, including parents and several narcissistic siblings. I hear from adult scapegoated children who were grew up with golden child siblings. There life stories are emotionally wrenching. … Continue reading “Children of Narcissistic Parents-Moving Beyond Your Personal History”

Children of Narcissists-Innocent Victims

If we could have picked our parents we wouldn’t have chosen a narcissist as a mother or father. Narcissists cannot feel, care, have conscience or empathy for another human being, even a small child. They are capable of putting on a tremendous polished act but it is falls flat in the truth department. Some narcissistic … Continue reading “Children of Narcissists-Innocent Victims”

Healing from A Narcissistic Sibling

You may have spent your childhood trying to get the respect and affection of one of your siblings. With an older brother or sister, the younger child often looks up to this individual as a model. The small child wants to be just like their older sibling. Some parents encourage this kind of veneration, especially … Continue reading “Healing from A Narcissistic Sibling”

Surviving A Narcissistic Family

There are some extraordinary human beings who survive growing up in a narcissistic family —-mother, father, siblings. I have heard from some of these individuals and their stories of multiple cruelties, emotional deprivation, scapegoating are the themes of fiction——but this is the truth. These are painful childhoods that have been endured each moment. In some … Continue reading “Surviving A Narcissistic Family”

Surviving the Narcissistic Family II

There are some extraordinary human beings who survive growing up in a narcissistic family—mother, father, siblings–I have heard from some of these individuals and their stories of multiple cruelties, emotional deprivation, scapegoating one would think could be the themes of fiction—but this is the truth. Regardless of how well the adult who has endured and … Continue reading “Surviving the Narcissistic Family II”

Narcissistic Mothers-Their Children Are Narcissistic Supplies

The narcissistic mother, especially those who overpower their spouse and everyone in the household with the force of her will, treats her children like narcissistic supplies. Narcissistic mothers enhance their grandiosity and overblown sense of omnipotence by using their children to enhance their bloated egos and the elaborate false mask that they show the world. … Continue reading “Narcissistic Mothers-Their Children Are Narcissistic Supplies”

Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers—You Deserve to Heal Sooner than Later

Each daughter of a narcissistic mother is unique. Her life experiences are specific to her but there are common psychological dilemmas daughters of narcissistic mothers share. As a small child she was never appreciated for herself as an individual. Even if she was the chosen one, the star of the family, this daughter was not … Continue reading “Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers—You Deserve to Heal Sooner than Later”